
Transform your company culture with the FISH! Philosophy: From business to healthcare, education to government, our approach works for everyone!

 Client Success Stories

Improved employee retention rate by 25% within the first year!

Increased customer satisfaction by 30% within 60 days.

Increased employee productivity by 50% in the first year.

Created a dynamic employee culture within their call centers.

Watch on-demand FISH! Philosophy Webinars to learn how FISH! is helping organizations succeed.


Cory Santos, Administrative Coordinator for Citizens for Citizens Head Start, shares his FISH! progress over the course of one year. By starting at the top with his leadership team, they’ve been able to bring the fun back to work and the data continues to show the benefits. Employee engagement is up, teachers are having more fun and the children are positively impacted. Tune in to learn just how easy it can be!


Suzie Heiam

Cory Santos
Administrative Coordinator for Citizens for Citizens Head Start


Tune in to hear great leadership and FISH! insights from Michael Ball, COO of Vicious Biscuit and 30-year restaurant veteran.  Vicious Biscuit spends money to make money and continually puts people first using the FISH! Philosophy to provide a 5 star dining experience in their South Carolina restaurants.


Suzie Heiam

Michael Ball
COO of Vicious Biscuit and 30-year restaurant veteran


Join us as Suzie Heiam talks with Paige Tyson, Manager of ECU Physicians, Office of Training and Engagement, East Carolina University as they discus Paige’s FISH! journey and how it helped her in the Healthcare field.


Suzie Heiam

Paige Tyson
Manager of ECU Physicians
Office of Training and Engagement
East Carolina University

Becoming a Trusted Leader in Business

Join us as Suzie Heiam talks with Kendra Ramirez, CEO and Founder of Kendra Ramirez Digital Agency and Reset Co and Jonathan Goble to discuss common obstacles for business leaders today. With the added pressures of the pandemic, exhaustion and fatigue are taking their toll. We’ll share sustainable solutions to make a lasting impact to overcome any challenge.


Suzie Heiam

Kendra Ramirez
CEO and Founder of  Digital Agency and Reset Co

Jonathan Goble

Becoming a Trusted Leader in Education

Join us as Suzie Heiam talks with FISH! practitioners J Lynn Jones (Educational Leader and FISH! Facilitator) and Eva Meyerhoeffer (Elementary School Principal, Jerome, ID) to share what we are seeing within schools. With all the added challenges of the pandemic, exhaustion and fatigue are taking their toll. We’ll share sustainable solutions to make a lasting impact to overcome any challenge.


Suzie Heiam

Eva Meyerhoeffer
Elementary School Principal, Jerome, ID

J Lynn Jones
Educational Leader and FISH! Facilitator

Build a Thriving Remote Company Culture and Embrace Change

A great culture starts with great leadership.

Our leadership team had a full plate when they joined ChartHouse Learning (the official home of The FISH! Philosophy) in February 2020. And then the pandemic forced remote work on us indefinitely. Thankfully, we had The FISH! Philosophy to guide our actions. We were able to overcome many challenges as world events impacted us as a company. If you’re struggling with building culture remotely, we hope our experience can provide ideas on how you can successfully approach change within your organization.

We discuss:

  • How the FISH! practices can help leaders build trust and psychological safety at work.
  • Why leadership needs to be deliberate in living The FISH! Philosophy every day, and how to invite your team to join in.
  • Our zoom meeting (a.k.a dinner table) approach to foster strong work relationships and healthy company culture.


John Christensen
Owner, ChartHouse Learning

Jonathan Goble

LaMarqué D. Ward Sr., M.Ed.

Suzie Heiam

Improving Culture in Education

With changes in learning environments due to COVID-19, school culture is more important than ever. LaMarqué D. Ward Sr., M.Ed. and Suzie Heiam are joined by special guests Tamarah Myers and Dr. Christine Gibson to discuss their experience and advice in regards to improving school culture with The FISH! Philosophy.

We’ll discuss how to:

  • Create a more collaborative environment using The FISH! Philosophy.
  • Build and maintain relationships with students and families with remote learning.
  • Use the four practices as intentional prompts for staff and students.
  • Experience the common language of The FISH! Philosophy with restorative practices.


LaMarqué D. Ward Sr., M.Ed.

Suzie Heiam

Tamarah Myers
Educational Consultant,
FISH! For Schools Facilitator

Dr. Christine Gibson
Executive Director of Curriculum for Dream Builders University

Improving Culture in Healthcare

Join Jonathan Goble and Suzie Heiam as they discuss FISH! in healthcare.

As a former CEO of hospitals across the midwest for 35 years Jonathan Goble, brings a great perspective to FISH! in healthcare.

  • Get insight into the latest issues in culture in healthcare organizations
  • Learn how FISH! can improve productivity and communication in your organization
  • Take home actionable ideas on how to use FISH! to transform your business


Jonathan Goble

Suzie Heiam

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